Ready Mixed Concrete

 About our products

 At A1 Concrete all concrete is batched in accordance with BS8500/EN206.  

We provide all grades of concrete from basic foundations mixes to more technical waterproof, coloured and reinforced mixes, available in both 10mm and 20mm locally sourced aggregate. We stock a large range of admixtures from AEA to Durus EF Fibres (Steel mesh replacement).
All our mixes are available in OPC and various GGBS blends depending on your technical specifications, for more detailed specifications we have an inhouse technical advisor available to produce personal mix deigns. 

Cube testing is available on request.

Collections are available from the plant or our delivery fleet consists of both 6 and 8 metre trucks.

Contact us for a professional friendly advice and a free quotation.

Concrete Calculator

Use the calculator below to work out the amount of concrete you'll need to order.


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